What English level do you need when work ?

发表时间:2022-03-22 13:33作者:TESOL in China

Few things will improve yourTESOLlanguage skills faster than working in a foreign language. Using the language for hours each day will boost your fluency and give you plenty of specialised vocabulary. And then there are the afterwork drinks, coffee breaks, lunchtime gossip, and all of the social things that go on around a job.

Jobs for beginners/lower intermediates (A2/B1 on the CEFR)

If you struggle to understand what people are saying to you and use a limited range of expressions that you have practised in advance, perhaps you are ready for a career in politicsMore interesting jobs become available once you reach an intermediate level. For example, working in service is an excellent way to improve your TESOL language skills because you speak to customers and colleagues all day long. Getting a job in a hotel, bar, restaurant or café is a popular option and a great way to meet people.

As with any industry, better TESOL language skills will put you at a big advantage. In a noisy bar, it can be hard to hear what people are saying, but the social environment ensures that you will get lots of practice with the language.The industries that are suitable for beginners are also open to intermediates, naturally.

Jobs that require especially precise communication, for example, anything involving lots of writing, may remain out of reach, but most jobs will be possible. Using the example of the UK health service again, although you could not be a doctor with TESOL English, you would have the necessary level to work as a nurse.


The best way to show an employer that you have a certain level is with an official exam or certificate. Check out our preparation courses for TESOL English exams, and various exams for other languages.You might be able to gain some experience of working in a foreign language closer to home. Multinational companies like to centralise certain operations, and typical jobs include phone-based customer service.

Finding your first job in a foreign language can often be the most difficult step. Without the experience of the local job market, you will find it harder to put together an impressive CV.We offer a range of programmes that will help you find work in a foreign language for intermediate level and above.

If you have ambitions to work long-term in a foreign country or language, an internship is an excellent way to get started. More or less every competitive industry demands some related work experience before considering a CV.Our internship programmes offer the chance to combine a language course with a fixedterm internship at the end of your studies. Placements are available for intermediate levels and above.

Once you have learnt the basic grammar of a language, and have a solid foundation, fluency will come with practice. Spending hours working in a TESOL language is your chance to earn some money while getting that practice.

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